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This touring set had to be easy to transport and assemble in each venue throughout the nationwide tour. With overhead lifting not necessarily available in every venue, the modular Stufish designed set was constructed to be lightweight, consisting of timber flats with a gun metal grey plywood skin, covered with a grid formation of foamex-backed graphics depicting spoof album covers. This ‘Record Album Wall of Fame’ covered an area approximately 10m by 5m, with a central aperture for a 3m by 3m screen. Separate free-standing 3m and 5m high panels were constructed to each side.
A 5.5m long custom-made ‘Cradle to Rave’ ropelight sign was created on a lightweight frame, with each letter individually controlled. A floor cloth printed with images of vinyl discs was created in two sections which could be overlapped without interrupting the flow of the design, in order to accommodate different stage sizes.
We also constructed a 4m circular slightly raked drum riser that could track into the wing. This was covered with a surface replicating a vinyl record.