Year 2017
Sports Personality of the Year 2017
BBC Sport
Liverpool's Echo Arena
Our crew have amassed a great deal of experience over the last six years delivering this high-profile live show in a variety of different venues across the country. This year was the turn of Liverpool’s Echo Arena.
The set has been reconfigured each year since 2015, bespoke additions delivering a slightly different look for each venue. For 2017, we created a larger orchestra pit, longer ramps on to the stage and also relocated the eight upright LED totems. A key design feature are the long LED wands. Configured in large radiating patterns, these create dynamic visual impact at stage level and above. The lower set was mounted on a curved steel frame swooping around the 20m by 30m stage, the design continuing onto the stage floor where each wand was neatly recessed into the black gloss laminate finish. A second series of wands was suspended from the venue’s roof, forming a halo around the 8m wide main screen, while additional flown elements included a series of 15m long LED swooshes.
For the red carpet area, we created a low snapper wall and a 27m long, 3m high step and repeat wall with large format graphics and CNC’d logos.